How to Stay Physically & Mentally Healthy During the Work Day

If you are like most Americans, you will spend over 90,000 hours and approximately one-third of your life at work or working.1 It’s no wonder, then, that you may struggle to find time for activities that promote your physical and mental well-being, such as exercise, meditation or just plain relaxation. If you can find the time after work, you may not have the energy or motivation to use it to work up a sweat or find your chi. However, given the fact that work often leads to increased levels of stress and anxiety, it is so important that you find a way to prioritize your emotional and physical health that works with your lifestyle and schedule. Instead of trying to work around their jobs, many individuals find it easier to incorporate healthy habits into the workday itself.

Keeping Your Mind & Body Healthy

Maintaining optimal physical and mental health involves building and maintaining healthy habits across all areas of your life. Prioritize your well-being by implementing the following suggestions sooner rather than later:
  • Change Your Diet for the Better: What you choose to eat throughout the day can alter your brain function and mood — for better or worse. Start your day off with a well-balanced breakfast, pack a wholesome lunch and avoid processed and sugary foods. Take the time to read the ingredients on the things you are consuming and how they can impact your system, from sugars and fats to preservatives to food colorings. Many of these ingredients can impact our health over time. For example, Brillia Health products contain only three active ingredients, all in which use a combination between antibody science and homeopathic formulation. You can feel safe putting them into your body and not have to worry about long-term effects! You are greatly benefiting your health by looking into the ingredients of the food and products you put into your body. 
  • Maintain a Positive Mindset: Positive thinking can have a tremendous impact on your physical and mental health. In fact, studies show that positivity can reduce your blood pressure, alleviate stress and improve your resilience to difficult situations.
  • Laugh More: Laughter truly is the best medicine, as it releases endorphins, the body’s feel-good chemical. Try laughing more for instant stress relief.
  • Walk Daily: Even just a 10-minute walk daily can go a long way toward relieving stress, boosting your mood, reducing your risk of depression and improving your physical well-being.
  • Leave Work At Work: It can be so easy to let your work stress trickle into your homelife, but try not to let it, as then your work-life balance will suffer. Leave the office at a decent hour and, once you do, turn off email notifications and decline work-related calls.
Small lifestyle changes such as these can have a hugely positive impact on your mind and body health.
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What You Can Do If You Are At the Office

Activities that promote overall health and well-being do not have to be time-consuming or especially involved. In fact, there are dozens of little things you can do throughout your work day that can improve your mindset and further your health goals, such as the following:
  • Take regular breaks and, when you do, use them wisely. Get up and stretch, go for a quick walk, or place a quick call to a friend or loved one.
  • Make it a habit to stand up and move every chance you get, such as when you have to answer a phone call or participate in an extended meeting.
  • Invest in a standing desk, and keep resistance bands and small weights at your desk for whenever you get a free moment.2
  • Encourage walking brainstorming meetings and discussions among your co-workers.

What You Can Do If You Are Working From Home

If you are working from home, maintaining your physical and mental health may be easier or harder, depending on your personality and current situation. Regardless of your circumstances, there are a few rules of thumb to abide by. For starters, create a designated office space and set a routine to establish a strict physical and psychological barrier between your home and work life. Communicate with your supervisor and co-workers, and be clear about your expectations. Make time for breaks just as if you were working in an office, stay connected with others as much as possible and, if you find yourself struggling, don’t be afraid to ask for help.
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Staying mentally and physically healthy is of utmost importance, especially when you have long work days ahead. By implementing the suggestions above, you may begin to start seeing a change in how you feel on a day-to-day basis. That said, don’t feel pressured to completely change your routine all at once! Do it little by little and don’t be afraid to put yourself first; you deserve it!

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